Gluten-Free Spirited is Two!

Two years ago on March 31, I launched Gluten-Free Spirited. ? If you’ve been reading for a while, you know the story of why I launched it. If you’re unfamiliar, check out my bio and my first blogpost.


An image of my sister & I at SunTrust Park
STP Selfie


Originally, it was geared towards travelers with dietary restrictions due to food sensitivities/allergies. It hasn’t been as travel related as I had planned & I hope to change that in the coming year. I still plan to keep posting recipes, food recommendations, restaurant recommendations, & guides. Please feel free to share blog topics you’d like to see below!

[bctt tweet=”Gluten-Free Spirited is two!” username=”gfspirit”]


Food Porn

A picture of a BBQ Bacon cheesburger and shoestring garlic fries.
BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger and garlic fries. Getchu some.


Fudge bars
So gooey.


So Delicious Strawberry Banana
One of Nikki’s early favorites.


I recently launched my coaching program, Food Sensitivity Success Map, because of my blog. The program is to help newly diagnosed people learn how to manage their diagnosis. It wasn’t something I ever expected to do, but felt like I needed to launch. I really want to help people like my sister with a program that could’ve helped her.


Food Sensitivity Success Map
Your ultimate guide to end the struggle, eat with confidence, and transform your life.


I want to thank everyone who has been with me on this journey, whether it was from the first post or the last one. I really want GFS to expand & have a lot of ideas for what I want it to grow into.

As a way to say thank you, I’m doing a giveaway. Please check out my Instagram page for details.

Thank you again for reading, subscribing, following GFS on social media, & interacting with me. ? Follow me on social media using the buttons below. Get blogpost updates to your inbox by signing up for my mailing list. As a thank you, you’ll receive a FREE Beginner’s Guide to Dietary Restriction Friendly Essentials Checklist

24 thoughts on “Gluten-Free Spirited is Two!”

  1. Congratulations to you! This is such a great achievement as you go on to your 2nd year. Wishing you more blog post to share and success.

  2. I’ve started eating gluten-free over a year ago and your site is inspiring, so all I can say is Happy Anniversary and keep going 😉 Wishing you inspiration and more blog posts to share!

  3. Oh my goodness such great news. Congratulations. Time and hard work really pay off. It is great to be able to find more gluten-free options in the market.

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