Beginner’s Guide to Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, and Dairy-Free Eating

Since my blog began, I’ve received comments about readers wanting to go gluten-free. There are multiple reasons to make this choice. If you’re unfamiliar with how Gluten-Free Spirited started, here’s a quick review: my sister is on doctor’s orders to be gluten-, dairy-, & soy-free because of IBS. She also follows the FODMAP diet. For a more in-depth look at what GFS is & aims to be, read my first blog entry here. If you want to get started on incorporating items that are gluten-, soy-, & dairy-free, I can help you get started with a beginner’s guide.

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In the months since my sister became more dietary conscious, we’ve done a lot of research (e.g.-trial & error). We’ve discovered some great food, mediocre food, & nasty food. Here is our list of GFS-approved items in the beginner’s guide. (Just a reminder: these foods may contain other allergens and may also not be approved for those with Celiac; we urge you to do further research.)

This list does not contain affiliate links. They are Gluten-Free Spirited approved and suggestions we genuinely think you’ll like.

Here’s a few GFS approved items.

Daiya Plain Cream Cheese Spread
Now your bagels don’t have to be boring.


So Delicious Dairy Free Yogurt Alternative
Good thing So Delicious has multiple flavors because these are Nikki’s favorite!


Arctic Zero Hint of Mint fit frozen dessert
Arctic Zero has a variety of fit frozen desserts, but be aware that some DO contain soy.


Daiya Cheezy Mac
Eazy, Cheezy, and Yummy!


An image of King Arthur Gluten Free Pancake Mix
King Arthur Flour Easy to Prepare Gluten Free Pancake Mix lives up to its name.

How do you get this awesome FREE beginner’s guide? Simply sign up for the newsletter and BAM! It’ll be in your inbox. It’s that simple. I promise not to spam you because I can’t stand that and wouldn’t subject my lovely readers to that nonsense.

After you sign up for your FREE Beginner’s Guide to Dietary-Restriction Friendly Essentials checklist, follow GFS on social media.

Once you try the items from the beginner’s guide, I’d love to know what you think! Please leave me feedback with your thoughts. If there’s an item that you like that’s not on this list, leave me a comment. We always want to try new things!

Be sure to follow GFS on social media using the buttons below.


55 thoughts on “Beginner’s Guide to Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, and Dairy-Free Eating”

  1. I LOVE Arctic Zero – just so that’s out there. It’s Dairy free and lower calorie than Ice cream. I keep it on hand for those sweet cravings and am glad to see it made your list.

    • We’ve tried a few flavors and it’s so yummy! We happened to come across it a Publix a few months ago and my sister said, “Tell everyone about this!” lol

  2. It must be so incredibly difficult trying to find gluten, diary and soy free meals. Since I started following your blog I’ve paid more attention to food labels and it’s quite shocking what’s actually inside. I’m real glad you’ve put together a beginners guide. That’s going to help alot

    • Thank you, Michelle! I never really checked things either and it’s so surprising the foods that have gluten or soy. So many products say “wheat enriched” and that’s the biggest sign that it has gluten. I guess it’s a good thing to pay more attention to what we’re consuming.

  3. i love the product recommendations listed, and i hope i find those here. this is so informative as i have recently decided to go gluten free diet and finding your site is truly a blessing. i will be checking back on your advises that will help with this path i have taken.

    • Jossy, I am so glad to hear that this is helpful to you! Please let me know if you’re able to find any of these products and what you think. 🙂

  4. I don’t have dietary restrictions but some of my friends do and it is always sensitive to make food for everyone when we are together for dinner so this is going to be super helpful!

  5. Oh this looks really helpful guide to be gluten-free. This is so important and I will definitely check this out.

  6. This is such helpful post for diet conscious people, great picks after trial and error. My friend has just moved on to being diet conscious and I am going to recommend this post to him.

  7. Thank you for this excellent beginner’s guide. I’m lactard but I still eat dairy and it’s horrible the consequences. I need to do the right thing.

  8. I used to go Gluten free a lot at one point and then kept getting complaints from my family who swore by the fact that it wasn’t as good. I liked it though. It is so delicious to me.

    • My mom isn’t always on board with some of the products, but I like a lot of them. They still have a negative reputation, so hopefully this will help others learn that there is really good food out there. 🙂

  9. I feel you and your sister, when I was told I have IBS alot of the learning adapting I did was also trial and error – at times that’s reallllly not fun! I love the sound of the Aztec zero. I’ve never seen that before but I will have to look for it!

    • She had IBS for several years before having to go gluten-, dairy-, and soy-free. It was a huge change for her, but had made a big difference in how she feels. LOL, she would agree with you about the trial and error part. The Arctic Zero is pretty yummy from what we’ve tried.

  10. I have alot of gluten free friends, I’m glad there are easier choices for them now. It has to be hard to live with dietary restrictions.

  11. I really like soy milk or any gluten-free products. I will definitely try that pancake gluten-free. It looks so delicious and really tempting.

  12. I have a whole bunch of other food allergies – none of these ones though, interestingly enough. But I do identify with the difficulty in finding things you can eat when out and about.

  13. I really love Arctic Zero its so refreshing and I like it because it is gluten-free. I always recommend this when someone is gluten-free.

  14. I’ve tried these products and it tastes all good. Especially that alternative yogurt. I am really obsessed with that. I am a gluten-free eater.

  15. The Daiya cream cheese is my fave!! It’s a great substitute for dairy cream cheese and honestly I don’t taste the difference! And of course Artic Zero is a must have in my freezer.

    • My sister was so glad to finally find a cream cheese that she could eat and was even happier because it tastes so good! Yes, Arctic Zero should always be on hand.

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