Instant Pot Lasagna (GF, DF, SF)

Several months ago, I asked on GFS social media if they’d like me to share a recipe for Instant Pot Lasagna. The majority of voters said “yes”. For those that said “no”, this is not for you.

My mom loves her Instant Pot and likes to try out various dishes. She tried lasagna to see what would happen. It may not have looked like lasagna, but it tasted good. It took me a while to get around to writing this post because I forgot to take pictures the last time it was being made.

[bctt tweet=”Even Garfield would approve of Instant Pot Lasagna” username=”gfspirit”]


-1 pkg of hamburger meat

-1 jar of tomato sauce

-8 lasagna noodles

-dairy-free cheese (as much as desired)

Instant Pot, lasagna noodles, tomato sauce
Instant Pot makes cooking so much easier.


-Brown meat in pan.

-Put meat in the Instant Pot.

-Pour jar of tomato sauce over the meat.

-Place lasagna noodles over the sauce. Note: You don’t have to layer the noodles like you would if making it in a pan.

-Put the Instant Pot on Meat/Stew for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, add cheese to the top of lasagna. There are two options: cook for either one minute or leave Instant Pot turned off with sealed lid for a few minutes to let the heat melt the cheese.

Let cool and serve.

Note: It was ready after 25 minutes, so I recommend checking the lasagna around then to see if still needs those five minutes.


Browned hamburger meat
Brown the meat first and the place it in the Instant Pot.


Tomato sauce
Dump in the whole jar


Lasagna noodles
Since you’re not making lasagna the traditional way, you don’t have to lay the noodles like you normally would.


Red Instant Pot
Set Instant Pot to 30 minutes, but check it at 25 minutes to see if you need more time


Beagle waiting for food
Garfield or Miley Bea?

That’s all there is to it. As I mentioned earlier in the post, it doesn’t look like a traditional lasagna because it’s Instant Pot Lasagna.  Even if you laid the noodles out like a traditional lasagna, it still wouldn’t look the same. Sure, presentation is nice, but the important thing is that it tastes good.

Instant Pot Lasagna
I think Garfieid would approve. At least Miley Bea would.

If you’d like other Instant Pot recipes, try Instant Pot Chicken Tortillas , Broccoli Cheddar Soup and Key Lime cupcakes.

I also have a recipe for traditional lasagna .

I’d love to know if you make this recipe and what you think! Please comment here or on social media. Be sure to tag GFS and use the hashtag #glutenfreespirited.

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[bctt tweet=”Make this easy Instant Pot Lasagna that’s GF, DF, & SF” username=”gfspirit”]

23 thoughts on “Instant Pot Lasagna (GF, DF, SF)”

  1. Thank you so so much for the post, this is great. I have recently bought the instant pot after hearing so much about it. I haven’t used it yet, well now i will i guess lol. Thanks a lot.

  2. I know more and more people are looking for new gluten free recipes, this recipe looks easy and if you have an instant pot, this recipe is for you!

  3. I’m continuously blown away by the things that you can do in an Instant Pot. This just looks fabulous, and I bet it tasted as good as it looks!

    • The Instant Pot does way more than I ever imagined! We haven’t tried it yet, but you can even make cakes with it! The lasagna was really yummy.

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